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Suggested Rituals

Acne-prone oily skin

1. Bare Essential Skin Care Routine

2. Passionate Skin Care Routine

Step 1M.G. Cal Charcoal Face wash M.G. Cal Rinse Free Face washM.G. Cal Charcoal Face washSplash water
water, splash, free wallpaper-5521696.jpg
Step2Niacinamide + Hyaluronic serum or oil control moisturiserNeed-based moisturiserVitamin C + Niacinamide serum / creamM.G. Cal Acne
Therapy Cream
No image No image No image
M.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenOil control

Pigmentation Prone Skin

1. Bare Essential Skin Care Routine

Step 1M.G. Cal Charcoal Face wash M.G. Cal Rinse Free Face washM.G. Cal Charcoal Face washSplash water
water, splash, free wallpaper-5521696.jpg
M.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal Anti Pigmentation Cream

2. Passionate Skin Care Routine

Step 1M.G. Cal Charcoal Face wash M.G. Cal Rinse Free Face washM.G. Cal Charcoal Face washSplash water
water, splash, free wallpaper-5521696.jpg
M.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal Anti Pigmentation Cream

Aging Mature Skin

1. Bare Essential Skin Care Routine

Step 1M.G. Cal Charcoal Face wash M.G. Cal Rinse Free Face washM.G. Cal Charcoal Face washSplash water
water, splash, free wallpaper-5521696.jpg
M.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenAge lock Cream
No image

2. Passionate Skin Care Routine

Step 1M.G. Cal Charcoal Face wash M.G. Cal Rinse Free Face washM.G. Cal Charcoal Face washSplash water
water, splash, free wallpaper-5521696.jpg
Step2Niacinamide + Hyaluronic serum or a moisturiser based upon the
skin type
Peptide + hyaluronic acid serum/creamPeptide + hyaluronic acid serum / creamM.G. Cal Age Lock Cream
M.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenMoisturiser based upon the skin type /Peptide + hyaluronic acid

Normal Healthy Skin

1. Bare Essential Skin Care Routine

Step 1M.G. Cal Charcoal Face wash M.G. Cal Rinse Free Face washM.G. Cal Charcoal Face washSplash water
water, splash, free wallpaper-5521696.jpg
M.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal Age Lock Cream (Age > 35 yrs) / M.G. Cal Anti
pigmentation Cream (Age < 35 yrs)

2. Passionate Skin Care Routine

Step 1M.G. Cal Charcoal Face wash M.G. Cal Rinse Free Face washM.G. Cal Charcoal Face washSplash water
water, splash, free wallpaper-5521696.jpg
Step2Niacinamide + Hyaluronic serum or a moisturiser based upon the
skin type
Need-based moisturiserPeptide + hyaluronic acid + niacinamide serum / creamM.G. Cal Age Lock Cream (Age > 35 yrs) / M.G. Cal Anti
pigmentation Cream (Age < 35 yrs)
M.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenM.G. Cal SunscreenMoisturiser based upon the skin type /Peptide + hyaluronic acid
serum / cream

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